Land, T, Lovett, M and Reeder, P (eds). Every Day Is Spatial: Mainstreaming Immersive Audio Practice. Special edition of The International Journal of Creative Media Research (forthcoming)
Lovett, M. 2024. ’Artificial Creativity and Tools for Understanding: Music, Creative Labour and AI’, chapter in Gullö, J-O, Hepworth-Sawyer, R, Hodgson, J, Paterson, J and Toulson, R (eds). Innovation in Music: Technology and Creativity. Routledge.
Lovett, M. 2023. Ecologies of Creative Music Practice: Mattering Music. Routledge
Lovett, M. 2023. ‘Measuring is Making: The Radical Indeterminacy of Music.’ Leonardo Volume 56, Issue 2
Lovett, M and Thomas, L. 2021. ‘A fork in the road: Perspectives on sustainability and decentralised governance in digital institutions’. First Monday, Volume 26, Number 11 - 1 November 2021
Lovett, M. 2021. ‘Towards a quantum theory of musical creativity’, chapter in Hepworth-Sawyer, R, Hodgson, J, Paterson, J and Toulson, R (eds). Innovation in Music: Future Opportunities. Routledge.
Lovett, M. 2020. ‘Directions in Music: Stakeholder Perspectives on Blockchain Innovations in Music Streaming’. Frontiers in Blockchain: Emerging ownership models on the blockchain.
Lovett, M. 2019. ‘Disruptive Blockworks: blockchains and networks / acceleration and collision’, chapter in Ragnedda, M and Destefanis, G (eds). Blockchain and Web 3.0: Social, Economic, and Technological Challenges. Routledge.
Lovett, M. 2019. ‘Disruption as Contingency: Music, Blockchain, Wtf?’, chapter in Hepworth-Sawyer, R, Hodgson, J, Paterson, J and Toulson, R (eds). Innovation In Music: performance, production, technology and business. Routledge
Lovett, M. 2007. ‘The Canonisation of Recorded Improvisations and its Impact on Performance Practice’. The Journal of the Dutch Flemish Society for Music Theory